Julian Assange wanted to be a Physicist to study universe: Mother

His revolutionary website WikiLeaks hoists the tagline — Keep us a strong and independent voice for global justice. It also flashes in bold – We help you safely get the truth out.

But today he is stuck. Some unnecessary legal battles have trapped this modern revolutionary. When he was roaming free, the world was reading him, talking about him, praising his courage, funding him. And today… what all must be going on in his head as he is seeking asylum to evade being sent to Sweden, a country that is seeking his extradition from Britain, and London judges have also ruled against him.

His mother Christine Assange has meanwhile joined the force and is seeking support against what she calls an American Fatwa, the defence strongly taken by Assange that he risks being handed over to the US, which is investigating whether the whistle-blower’s website WikiLeaks should be held responsible for leaking tonnes of classified information.

And as Julian Assange awaits Ecuador’s decision on his appeal for political asylum, Christine travelled to the country to discuss her son’s fate with President Rafael Correa. She spoke about the ongoing case with RT Spanish. Video:

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